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Standing up for the communities of Cheadle Hulme, Bramhall, Cheadle, Gatley, Heald Green, Woodsmoor, Davenport, Hazel Grove and Woodford


I am proud to live in Cheadle. It is my home and the place where I am raising my family. I care passionately about this area and making a difference for its people.


Whilst our area is a great place to live, not everyone has the chance to succeed and thrive. We face huge challenges. Our hospitals and schools are crumbling, we're an NHS dental desert and our rivers are seeing record levels of pollution. The Conservative cost-of-living crisis is real. It isn’t just a few people ‘feeling the pinch’. Families are struggling. Energy bills remain £400 higher than before the invasion of Ukraine and families are feeling the effects of rocketing mortgages and retail prices. As for public services, costs are up and standards are down. 


The next election is an opportunity we don’t want to miss. After 14 years in power, the Conservatives have crashed our economy, hollowed out our public services, and lost people’s trust. Together we have a chance to have a Labour representative in parliament for the first time ever – an MP who works for all our communities. As someone who has beaten the Tories and the Lib Dems in the past, I want the chance to do the same here in Cheadle. I want to be the MP Cheadle deserves and fight to ensure our area is the best possible place to live, work and grow old, for all its residents.


It is time for change. Together we can build a brighter future for Cheadle.


As we approach the General Election, there are two important things to remember:


1. Within the last ten years, Cheadle was represented by a Lib Dem MP who voted for the coalition government’s budgets which decimated public services. If you want a Labour government, only a vote for Labour will help deliver this.


2. If a Labour government is elected this year, Cheadle will be best served by a Labour MP representing their interests. I have the experience and track-record to do this.

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Promoted by James Wilson on behalf of Kelly Fowler, both at Stockport Labour Club, 2 Lloyd Street, Stockport, SK4 1QP

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